The Library Board of the Plainfield-Guilfrod Township Public Library welcomes you to its meetings. We conduct our meetings in compliance with the state's open meetings law. That law requires that Board meetings be open for public observation, but it does not require that the public be allowed to participate int he meetings.
We value the ideas and insights of our constrituents. Therefore, it is the policy of this Board to desginate part of each meeting as a Visitir's Forum. If you wish to speak to this Board during the forum section of our agenda, please complete the form below and click the "submit" button at the bottom of the form. Only those persons who have completed the form and submitted it before a board meeting will be asked to speak.
The Library Board takes its governance duties seriously. In the interest of making a decision, the Board may need to gather more information. Therefore, the Board may not necessarily respond at this meeting. In this case, the Board will note your request and respond at another time after Board members have an opportunity to consider and deliberate about the request.
The Board of Trustess meets onthe third Tuesday of ewach month at 7:00 p.m. at the library.
Thank you for your interest in the Library. We appreciate your help in conducting an open and orderly meeting.